Food Slogans: Catchy, Short, and Unforgettable
To become a reputable food company, it's not just about the food you sell or how the logo looks. Sometimes all you need is a good marketing scheme to get yourself noticed, which means there's nothing more important than coming up with a good slogan. These catchy one-liners need to be distinct, creative, and memorable. You want customers to immediately think of your brand as soon as they hear the phrase. To give you some examples, here are 20 iconic food slogans that definitely nailed the assignment.
1. McDonald's: "I'm Lovin' It"
Come on, there's no way you've never heard the iconic "Ba-dah-ba-ba-bah, I'm lovin' it" slogan from McDonald's! It's not only fun to say, it comes with a catchy tune as well, making it darn near impossible to forget. Talk about doing a slogan right. Whether you're a child, adult, or senior, you know this one.
2. KFC: "Finger Lickin' Good"
There's no need to pull out any utensils or cutlery when you're about to dive into a delicious bucket of fried chicken. KFC nails this sentiment with their familiar slogan, "Finger lickin' good." Not only does it suggest you'll be savoring every last taste of their chicken, it highlights the idea that messy food is good food.
3. M&M's: "Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands"
Let's all agree that the best part about M&M's is its unique outer candy coating. Giving each little chocolate piece a fun bite to it, M&M's definitely understood the assignment when they created their logo. "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands" is absolutely perfect - it reemphasizes the candy's selling point which is that its outer shell prevents the chocolate from melting!
4. Subway: "Eat Fresh"
Sometimes slogans don't need to be long, they just have to be accurate and punchy. "Eat fresh" by Subway has grown to become an iconic line. In the world of fast food where everything feels processed and greasy, it lets consumers know that Subway will always be there to provide fresh and healthier alternatives.
5. Pringles: "Once You Pop, The Fun Don't Stop"
Pringles aren't your usual potato chip. Not only do they have a unique taste and texture to them, they come in those iconic cans that people tend to have mixed feelings about. But regardless of whether you like or dislike the can's design, you can't deny that popping it open is so satisfying. Pringles captures that feeling perfectly, expressing it in their slogan "Once you pop, the fun don't stop."
6. Wheaties: "The Breakfast of Champions"
Wheaties might not be your favorite breakfast cereal, but you have to admit, they have one heck of a slogan. With a line like "The breakfast of champions," it makes you want to eat a bowl even if you're not a fan of the taste.
7. Dunkin' Donuts: "America Runs on Dunkin'"
Everyone could always use a tasty donut and cup of coffee to help kickstart their morning, and there's no company that knows that better than Dunkin' Donuts. Modeling their slogan after this common need, "America runs on Dunkin'" doesn't only highlight their food as essential to a great breakfast, it also brags of its significance in American culture.
8. Red Bull: "Red Bull Gives You Wings"
We just know that you read this iconic slogan in the same voice as it's always advertised. Red Bull nailed the hammer on the head with this catchy phrase. If you're buying an energy drink, you want to feel revitalized the moment it touches your lips, and thanks to Red Bull's hilarious and memorable advertising that focuses on "Red Bull gives you wings," they've made people feel just that.
9. Campbell’s Soup: "M'm! M'm! Good!"
Turns out going plain and simple might just be the way to go! Thanks to Campbell's Soup, their seemingly ordinary slogan, "M'm! M'm! Good!" turned out to be a fantastic one. When it comes to food, most people just want to know if it tastes good. And thanks to these 3 words, Campbell's Soup answers their question just like that.
10. Frosted Flakes: "They’re Gr-r-reat!"
While the phrase "They're gr-r-reat!" doesn't seem all that special, Frosted Flakes makes it work thanks to their beloved mascot, Tony the Tiger. It only makes sense thanks to him! It's simple, energetic, and it's always a hit with the kids.
11. Lay's: "Betcha Can't Eat Just One"
If there's one snack that's always so addictive to munch on, it has to be potato chips. And out of all the brands out there, Lay's continues to be one of the most popular picks. If you're wondering why, all you have to do is hear their slogan, "Betcha can't eat just one" to understand. Because they said it themselves, their chips just keep have you coming back for more!
12. Coca-Cola: "Open Happiness"
Who doesn't want to feel happy? While soda doesn't necessarily have anything directly to do with making you feel happier, Coca-Cola expertly branded their drink to make customers feel this way. Thanks to their slogan, "Open happiness," doesn't it make you want to pop open a bottle right now?
13. Kit Kat: "Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat"
There's nothing like a sweet and delicious piece of chocolate to pick up your spirits during a busy day. It seems like Kit Kat knew that so well, they wanted to brand their chocolate around it. That's how "Have a break, have a Kit Kat" was born; the company wants to encourage everyone to grab one of these bars when they need a little pick-me-up. Sure does the trick!
14. Skittles: "Taste the Rainbow"
We can't imagine a slogan more perfect for this rainbow-colored candy. We don't fully understand what it means to "Taste the rainbow," but just saying this immediately makes you think about Skittles. It's creative, funny, and really plays into the bright colors of the candy.
15. Snickers: "You're Not You When You're Hungry"
One of the most hilarious advertising we've seen on TV has definitely got to be from Snickers. With their funny slogan, "You're not you when you're hungry," they've been able to come up with the most entertaining ads. And to be honest, it's a feeling we all know all too well - don't tell us you've never been hangry before!
16. Folgers: "The Best Part of Wakin' Up is Folgers in Your Cup"
For those of you that can't start your day without a fresh cup of coffee, Folgers definitely has a slogan that resonates with you. "The best part of wakin' up is Folgers in your cup," is such a clever line that is not only catchy, it's something people can agree with too! That just makes it all the more memorable.
17. Rice Krispies: "Snap! Crackle! Pop!"
Not only is Rice Krispie's slogan the names of their beloved and adorable mascots, it's also the unique sound that this cereal makes when dropped into milk. "Snap! Crackle! Pop!" is such a well thought out phrase that sets this brand apart from everyone else. It creates such a distinctive experience that you can only get from this cereal.
18. DiGiorno: "It's Not Delivery, It's DiGiorno"
While frozen pizza often gets a bad rep for not being as good as delivery, DiGiorno seriously challenged this belief with their fun slogan, "It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno." Making you believe that your oven can create something as delicious as Pizza Hut's for instance, this was such a smart way to get people interested in the brand.
19. Taco Bell: "Think Outside the Bun"
Taco Bell is a unique company in the sense that they've gone through plenty of different slogans. But if there's one that stands out to us (that we wished they kept), it'd be this one. When you think of fast food, you probably think about burgers first, right? Well, it seems like Taco Bell thought so too. That's why they decided to take a creative approach with their slogan, "Think outside the bun". They're basically telling you, don't forget you can get tasty tacos and burritos for just as fast and cheap too!
20. Gatorade: "Is It In You?"
As one of the most popular sports drinks out there, Gatorade's inspirational slogan, "Is it in you?" goes for a more meaningful angle than catchy. With so many athletes being sponsored by this company, its message to its consumers is to keep trying, push yourself, and reach new heights. Now that's pretty cool.