10 Best Foods For Boosting Immunity and The 10 Worst To Avoid

10 Best Foods For Boosting Immunity and The 10 Worst To Avoid

Supercharge Your Immune System 

The beginning of fall is synonymous with the start of a new school year, brisk temperatures, and leaves changing colors. However, it also brings a whole new slew of harmful germs and bacteria. Fortifying your immune system against these things comes down partly to the food you eat. Feeding yourself with nutrient-dense options gives your body the strength to fight off illnesses just as feeding yourself poorly can weaken your defenses. Here are the 10 best foods for boosting your immune system and the 10 worst to avoid. 

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1. Oranges

Oranges and other citrus fruits are packed with vitamin C which increases the production of infection-fighting white blood cells. Eat the whole fruit instead of drinking the juice to get all that good fiber. 

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2. Spinach

Spinach is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, antioxidants, beta-carotene, and flavanoids which, studies have shown, stave off the common cold. To reap all these great benefits, have spinach raw or cook it minimally. 

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3. Blueberries

Often considered a superfood for their antioxidant content, blueberries contain a flavonoid that boosts the respiratory tract’s immune defense system. They also have strong anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. 

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4. Walnuts

Walnuts contain E vitamins which increase T-cells that kill infection and regulate immunity. They also contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and plenty of antioxidants.  

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5. Yogurt

The gut and the immune system are intrinsically linked–probiotics in yogurt encourage the production of good bacteria in the gut which give your body strength to fight off illness and get better faster. Make sure to have unflavored, unsweetened yogurt for maximum effect.

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6. Olive Oil

EVOO is rich in immune-boosting vitamin E and antioxidants. It’s a monounsaturated fat that’s also been linked to lowering levels of bad cholesterol and protecting against inflammation and heart disease. 

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7. Ginger

Ginger helps stave off illness thanks to its iron, magnesium, B and C vitamins, and zinc content. It’s also great for easing symptoms like sore throat and muscle soreness when you’re already sick.

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8. Broccoli

In addition to being packed with vitamin C, broccoli is rich in B vitamins and the antioxidant glutathione, one of the most vital nutrients in immune system function. Just like spinach, have it raw or minimally cooked to get the most out of it. 

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9. Salmon 

Salmon and other oily fish are packed with omega-3 fatty acids which are key to immune function. They also protect against heart attack and stroke, are anti-inflammatory, and help lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure. 

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10. Garlic

Garlic lovers can rejoice at the fact that garlic boosts immunity. It aids in zinc absorption (a weak immune system often boils down to zinc deficiency) and encourages the growth and function of immune cells.

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Now that we’ve talked about some of the best foods for fortifying your immune system, let’s go over the worst to avoid. 

1. Pastries

Yes, they're tasty, but eating a lot of sugary pastries can harm your immune system by spiking your glucose levels. They also increase the amount of free radicals and inflammatory proteins increasing your likelihood of getting sick. 

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2. Alcohol

In addition to being a carcinogen, alcohol compromises the immune system by damaging infection-killing T-cells and causing dehydration, inflammation, and stress on the system. Long-term alcohol consumption can make you three to seven times more susceptible to infections. 

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3. Soda

Soda is made up of empty calories that contain no essential nutrients. They’re packed with inflammatory sugars and cause stress to the system by spiking insulin levels. What’s more, colas contain caffeine which spikes cortisol levels, hindering immune response. 

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4. Deli Meats

Processed meats like ham, bologna, and salami are high in saturated fats which can cause inflammation and harm immune function. They’re also high in advanced glycation end products (AGEs) which deplete antioxidants and good gut bacteria. 

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5. Fried Foods

Like deli meats, fried foods are also high in immune system harming AGEs and saturated fats. They also contain high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids which may increase the risk of inflammatory diseases if not balanced by omega-3 consumption.

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6. White Bread

As is the case with pastries, white bread spikes insulin levels increasing free radicals, inflammation, and stress to the body. Whole grain bread bought from a local bakery that doesn’t use additives or preservatives is a far superior choice than the processed white variety. 

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7. Potato Chips

In addition to driving up blood pressure, eating salty snacks like potato chips can throw off the sodium balance in your body, impairing your immune response. Additionally, potato chips trigger inflammation and increase your risk of autoimmune disease.

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8. Red Meat

Although red meat is healthy in moderation, eating it too often causes increased levels of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) which is associated with bad gut bacteria and a weakened immune system. High amounts of red meat in the diet can increase your risk of heart disease. 

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9. Creamy Foods

Foods containing heavy cream or high amounts of butter aren’t great for your immune system because they contain saturated fats which suppress white blood cell functioning. There are plenty of dairy products that are good for the immune system such as yogurt and cottage cheese, just steer clear of too much fat. 

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10. Ice Cream

Ice cream acts as a double whammy when it comes to weakening your immune system. It’s a dairy product full of saturated fat and insulin-spiking sugar. Eating ice cream frequently can also lead to weight gain which isn’t good for your immune system. 

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