10 Unhealthy Foods To Stop Feeding Your Kids & 10 To Feed Them Instead

10 Unhealthy Foods To Stop Feeding Your Kids & 10 To Feed Them Instead

Parents all want what’s best for their kids, and one of the most important ways to keep them healthy is through their diet. The call for convenience may have been strong in the past, but it’s time to ditch frozen foods for healthier alternatives! Here are 10 unhealthy foods you should stop feeding your kids and 10 options to consider instead. 

1. Hot Dogs

Hot dogs aren’t even good for adults, let alone kids. They’re highly processed and contain a ton of added sodium and nitrates, neither of which your child needs regularly. While they’re not the worst thing in moderation, don’t make them a habit. 


2. Soda

Soda packs a lot of sugar and virtually no nutrients, which means frequent consumption can put your child on the fast track to weight gain and tooth decay. They also run the risk of sugar crashes, which affects mood. 

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3. Frozen Dinners

Frozen finger foods are convenient, but don’t do anything for your child’s health. Stuff like frozen mozzarella sticks, nuggets, and chicken strips are highly processed and generally lower quality. Not only that, but they often have a ton of sodium and additives. 

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4. Instant Noodles

A favorite for their convenience and taste, instant noodles also come with a lot of drawbacks. Its low nutrients, high sodium, and artificial preservatives put your child at risk for high blood pressure and obesity. 

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5. Potato Chips

Potato chips are a common enough snack, and though they’re fine once in a while, overconsumption is best avoided. Chips have a lot of calories, trans fats, and sodium—all contributors to poor heart health and weight gain. 

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6. Sugary Cereals

Your child’s cereal may taste good, but you sure won’t feel good after reading its nutrition facts. Sugary cereals have plenty of—you guessed it—sugar without a ton of fiber or nutrients. The odd bowl isn’t the end of the world, though you shouldn’t make it part of your child’s everyday diet. 

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7. Flavored Yogurt

Flavored yogurt often comes with a lot of added sugar, which is a one-way ticket to weight gain and cavities. If you’re looking for a healthy alternative, plain yogurt with fresh fruit helps contain the sugar levels. 

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8. Packaged Lunch Meat

The packaged stuff typically contains high sodium and preservatives, both of which can lead to health issues for your child. If you’re looking for a healthier option, canned tuna and lean meats are protein-rich alternatives.

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9. Condiments

Of course, you don’t need to swear off condiments altogether. However, it’s important to know how much sugar and salt are in some of the popular ones—like ketchup. A little ketchup on the side seems fine, but alongside frozen food, it adds to the calorie count. 

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10. Boxed Mac and Cheese

Believe it or not, neon-orange macaroni and cheese isn’t the healthiest option for kids. Avoid regularly giving them a meal packed with fat and sodium, especially because you can make your own!

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Now let’s take a look at which foods you should aim to give kids more often.


1. Vegetables

Veggies are a slam dunk for vitamins and nutrients. Sweet potatoes, peppers, carrots, and spinach are all terrific foods that help kids hit their vitamin goal. Vegetables are also versatile, whether it’s alongside hummus as a snack or packed into sandwiches. 

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2. Eggs

Eggs are a strong source of protein, making them a top choice for kids. They also come loaded with essential vitamins and are easy to work into their everyday diet—don’t be afraid to experiment with recipes! 

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3. Lean Meat

Chicken and turkey are not only delicious but a healthy alternative to processed deli meat. They’re great sources of protein and have a lower fat content than red meat, too. Work them into sandwiches or as the main attraction at dinner. 

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4. Milk

Milk comes with all kinds of calcium, protein, and vitamins that help your child stay healthy. It also works to keep their bones strong, especially their teeth, so make sure they drink it regularly. 

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5. Whole Grains

The next time you’re at the store, opt for whole grains over highly processed white bread. Making the switch gives your child more nutrients and fiber, and will also help with their digestion. 

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6. Fish

Swap out the frozen stuff for fresh fatty fish like salmon. Salmon is full of protein, healthy fats, and vitamins that all contribute to a child’s overall health. Best of all, it’s good for adults, too, and can easily be part of the dinner rotation.

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7. Berries

It’s hard to part with a good cup of berries, but share the love with your child next time! Berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are kid-friendly snacks rich with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. 

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8. Nuts

For kids who can safely consume them, nuts boast protein, vitamins, and essential fatty acids that keep energy high and help children grow. Cashews, walnuts, and pecans are all good places to start.

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9. Avocado

Avocado is full of healthy fats and essential nutrients that boost brain function and aid in proper digestion. Its smooth consistency is also easy on stomachs, especially because of its mild taste. This means you’re in luck because there are plenty of ways to incorporate it into your child’s diet!

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10. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is an inoffensive food loaded with protein. It can help kids feel full for longer and is also a great source of calcium. Given that it doesn’t have any strong odors or flavors, you can easily serve it as a snack.

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