It's a really bad idea to start drama with the people who handle your food. Not only are you betting that they won't spit on your burger, but it also just makes you look like a tasteless jerk who things servers and bartenders are "beneath you."
These servers from all around the world snapped back at rude customers -- some with words, others with deeds. Even better, they took to the internet to share how they got their revenge on insensitive diners.
45. The old "I know the manager" routine
There was a customer who said he knew the manager to one of my buddies who was working as a waiter. Usually this just means that they’re trying to get something for free -- because they never actually know the manager -- but I guess my buddy wanted to have some fun on this particular night. I heard the waiter exclaim, “Oh, you know Dave!” to the customer, all excited.
I couldn’t help but eavesdrop to the rest of the conversation. The waiter basically strung this customer along long enough to bring out the manager and pointedly say, “Hey, Steve, I didn’t know you went by Dave!”
44. "I love all my tables..."
I had a large table at the end of the night. They were okay, except for one incredibly annoying guy. He was the guy that was so sure he was the funniest in any room and kept being obnoxious and would make jokes at my expense. They were not hurtful or rude per se, but obviously he didn’t care how I felt about it and knew, as a server, I couldn’t say anything.
So, near the end of the meal, everything had been going well but he kept up his schtick and someone commented about their group and “funny guy” says, “Oh, I bet this server hates us! Am I right?” To which I replied, “No sir. I love all my tables. Some when they sit down and others when they leave, but I love them all.”
To which everyone at the table laughed. Then a few seconds in, as they realized that I might be talking about them, it turned into nervous laughter
43. Her whole life has been babysitting
I’ve served this couple a few times and the husband is always pretty demanding and rude to me AND to his wife. I feel bad for her. At some point during the service I mentioned that I have a child (can’t remember the context). Toward the end of the meal I asked if I could take anything away -- plates, etc. The jerk husband says, “Yeah, HER,” gesturing to his wife.
He elaborates, saying “Hey maybe you could use her, she’s done a lot of babysitting.” I glanced at him and then looked her in the face and said, “Clearly.” I ignored him for the rest of their time there and spoke only to the wife. She paid the bill and tipped me well.
42. Iced tea with a little something extra
Some lady ended up with a dirty teaspoon and flung it across the table at me, hitting me in the chest. I smiled, apologized, and promised to fix the problem. I got her a new iced tea, with some of my spit in it. She told me it was much better. I smiled, apologized again, and went about my business.
41. Won't pay the difference
A lady was complaining about her drink, claiming it didn’t “taste right.” I think it was too strong for her and she was ashamed to admit it. We have no problem pouring a new one, but she wanted to swap it out for a completely different, much more expensive drink. I explained to her she would have to pay the difference but she refused, saying that we messed up her drink and she should get a free one.
After arguing for about five minutes, I started to walk away. She then started demanding for a manager, which was me. Then she was like, “Well I want to talk to your boss.” So I said, “Then go find him.” She said, “So I’m the customer, you’re the employee, and YOU’RE telling ME to find YOUR boss?” I looked her in the eye and said, “Yes.” Like dead on and then walked away. She ended up leaving.
40. The hairy salad
We had a customer who got a salad and when she was finished she placed one of her hairs in the bowl to try to get it refunded. She got the complimentary “I’m sorry” free bakery item. She did this every day. Finally, the manager sat down at her table and told her this was her last day eating in the cafe, as they would refuse her refund today and refuse her service in the future.
She started to say something about the customer always being right and he just put up a hand to cut her off and said, “You cause us to lose money every day. You’re absolutely not our customer, you are a liability, and you are no longer welcome here.”
39. False competition
I live in a small town and worked in a Fish and Chip shop, one of two in the area. We were a tourist town, and one of the main attractions was the award-winning fish and chips. People in the town believed we were in massive competition with the other shop, but we weren’t. We had 25 plus staff and they had around seven, so we were serving thousands more customers than them.
So, on the rare occasion whenever a customer got angry, they would simply exclaim, “Well I’m going to [insert competitor’s name here] AND I WON’T BE BACK.” Like it was a big deal and would really hurt our feelings and business. We would simply tell them that we don’t want them back, and they should enjoy the food from the other shop.
The truth was that we owned both shops. So yeah, you really showed us!
38. Any given sunday
37. The size doesn't matter
A buddy of mine was serving a table with an eight-year-old kid. He gives her an adult glass for her apple juice. The dad pipes up and says he doesn’t want her having all that sugar so he needed to take it away and come back with a kid-sized one. My friend replied that the glasses are the same size but the adult size just looks bigger because they have thick bottoms.
The dad responds that “the adult glass is clearly bigger and LIKE I SAID I don’t want her to have all that sugar.”
My buddy is a jerk, so this is is opportunity. He gives a super deliberate exaggerated nod, says nothing, and marches to our little service alley behind the bar. He re-emerges with a kid’s cup, sets it down beside the glass, picks up the glass and pours the adult glass, lifting it progressively higher until the last drop is dropped from like a foot over the glass. I died.
36. Walk it off, lady
Photo by Malcolm Garret from Pexels
35. What a charmer
Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels
34. When the customer is also the owner
33. Let's go back to kindergarten
This happened to me at Hooters the other day. A guy orders a Blue Moon seasonal draft, so I bring it to him. I don't pour the drinks myself so I trust it's correct. I know what Blue Moon draft looks like, so thought the seasonal looks a lot like it (same color).
Later, the same guy orders another one, and the beer the bartender gives me is a dark draft instead of the orange colored one I gave him earlier. So I knew the bartender accidentally poured a regular Blue Moon earlier. I bring the correct drink to the table and am about to explain the guy he had gotten the wrong draft earlier, that here was the correct one now, and I would have the charge for the first beer gotten rid of.
Before I can say anything, the guy holds up his first glass (with a little bit of the orange colored draft in it) and says,
"Excuse me miss, but do you really think these are the same drink? Do you need to learn your colors? Lets go back to kindergarten. This color is ORANGE and that color is BROWN!"
I let him embarrass his 14-year-old daughter as much as possible before bringing him the wrong drink again. He didn't notice.
32. I'm not a dog
I worked at a very high end sushi restaurant. A guy at one of my co-worker's tables started snapping his fingers at the waiter from across the dining room. Unfortunately for the customer, the server had a short fuse and had already been dealing with this kind of nonsense all night.
So my colleague walks over to the guy snapping his fingers, and says, I kid you not, " Do I look like a [bleeping] dog to you? Don't you dare snap your fingers at me you deadbeat." Then he just walked away.
The whole table starting laughing at this guy who was in shock. The guy was too embarrassed to say anything to a manager.
31. You make me wait? I'll make you wait
30. Enjoy your spit sandwich
29. You want it hot? You got it hot
I used to work at a restaurant in a hotel. This guy orders a hot tea. So the coffee machine makes the hot water from a separate spigot, and it comes out like boiling hot. I don't make the water hot myself, it comes out hot. I fill up a tea pot and bring it to him.
He says it's not hot enough. So I apologize and check the machine to make sure it's working right (it is) and get him another pot of hot water, and go about my business.
He calls me over, and has his finger inside the water, and goes, "This water is NOT hot. I ordered a hot tea yesterday, and the server last night was able to bring me hot water. Is there something wrong with you?" I apologize again, but this time I'm furious.
So I get hot water from the coffee machine, and I put it in the microwave for like ten minutes. It's hot as lava. I put it in a tea pot and give it to him, and smile and say, "I made sure it's hot this time."
He then calls my manager over because I gave him this boiling hot water, and I can't do anything right, and blah blah, and it's hilarious. My manager is like, "Sir, what temperature would you like this water at? Just give me the exact temperature and I will get it there, because I'm not sure how else to make you happy."
She later told me not to do that again, but she honestly didn't give an eff because that guy was being a total pain.
28. Hurts even more when it's your mom
27. On last burn before I quit
26. I don't know how you kept your job, but good for you
25. Treat me like crap, you get crappy service
24. You're not getting lucky
Bartender. This guy used to come into my bar late at night, always with a different woman. He was incredibly rude, (a money waver and yeller and just all around unbearable). So I waited until he brought in a girl that was especially attractive and then casually asked him if he could thank the girl that he'd brought in the night before because she "tipped me really well." His date left without him about half an hour later.
23. Don't mess with Starbucks staff
22. Ok boomer
21. Polite and by the book, but biting
20. Flip the script
19. We don't serve your kind here
18. I'm so glad people applauded
17. All over some chicken wings
16. Wavy gravy
15. Sometimes kindness is the best revenge
14. Kindness taken to the extreme
13. So I guess just serve yourself?
12. Please and thank you open doors
11. Don't make my servers cry
10. Sweet but sour
We have sweet biscuits with icing on top. Every weekend this lady comes in and wants them fresh with extra icing. But every time something is wrong, with the main complaint being that’s it’s too cold, probably because of all the extra icing on top. Well, the last time she came in, we give her the biscuit, fresh out the oven and loaded down with icing, but she still said it’s cold.
The manager tells her the only way to get it any hotter would be to melt the icing in the microwave, which we refuse to do. The lady has a conniption, demanding to know why. My manager came up with the perfect response. She said, “because sugar is hotter than the seven sons of heck when it’s heated up like that and no matter how much you deserved it, I refuse to give you an excuse to have a lawsuit against us.”
9. Dad to the rescue
When I was 15 and working at my family’s restaurant, there was a Christmas party and they booked out the front room. This one old guy kept complaining every time I brought him food and took it away. When dessert came, he made some snide comment and I burst into tears. When I got back to the kitchen my dad saw me crying and asked what was wrong. I said it’s okay and not to worry.
Next minute, my dad storms out of the kitchen and asks the entire front room who made his daughter cry. The room goes silent and everyone points him out. Dad rips into him for making a child cry and told him he’s not welcome back. Old guy tries to defend himself saying I wasn’t doing my job. Dad said something along the line of him not doing a good job as a human. I miss working with him!
8. Creme de la creme
I work in an ice cream shop and one day a man ordered a shake, drank the whole thing, and then demanded a refund because he claimed the whipped cream tasted sour, which is impossible because we make it in house every day. My manager, a 53-year-old Indian man, proceeded to take the cup from him, then grabbed a spoon and ate the whipped cream right out of the cup, then says, “it tastes fine to me, get out of my store.”
Maybe it was a little overkill, but it was one way to deal with it.
7. Moral victories are sometimes all you get
A regular at the place I work will tap her martini glass with a fork, wait for me to turn and make eye contact, and then call across the room, “MORE MARTINIS!” or “WE’RE READY FOR OUR FOOD NOW!” Sometimes I’ll see how many times she taps, because I know she knows that it’s trashy, and she’ll start to get uncomfortable but still keep going.
So it’ll go: tap, tap, tap. Silence. Tap, tap, tap. Someone will point out that she’s trying to get my attention, but I’ll tell them to give it a few more taps. It’s hard to not acknowledge her, but I wanted to make sure everyone hears her tapping before I ask “More martinis?” By then, she usually has the whole dining room looking at her sideways, which is enough for me.
Small victories are the best victories in the service industry.
6. This isn't a desert
Table of 10, Sunday brunch, fancy restaurant, and I’m hungover. A crowd swarms in right as we open and my whole section is sat at once. I’m efficient and cool—I’m used to this. I get to the big table and preface that water is being brought as we speak, then begin taking everyone’s drink order. As I’m taking orders around the table, one woman blurts out that she wants water and not to forget the water, interrupting her friends and family as they make their requests.
I acknowledge her each time until after the fourth time, when I said, “If you ask for water again, I’ll make sure everyone here gets water but you.” She sank back in her chair looking dumbfounded as I put in the order then headed to the bar.
5. The pizza connoisseur
I used to work at a pizza store. I had literally just made a pizza and put it in the box. This Karen type lady breezes in and just states, “Pepperoni.” And shoves her card in my face. I ring her up, turn around, grab and show her the pizza. She barely looks at it and just tells me it’s old. “Make one fresh.” I tell her sure thing, just five minutes.
I take the pizza into the back. I put a new one in the oven. After this one comes out, I take it, cut it, and box it up. Then, I grab the original pizza and bring it out. “Careful, it is very hot miss.” I show it to her and she just starts talking about how perfect it is. She leaves and I just laugh and go back to more of the same.
4. Did you think that would impress her?
For context, I’m a female in my 20s working at a fine dining restaurant. This older guy kept bothering me all night. Doing stuff like ordering crudités and then calling it rabbit food and sending it back. At the end of the meal he says, “Where do I put this comment card?” I said, “See that black box over there? Right in there!”
He responded with the most inappropriate comment I ever heard from a customer. He seriously asked me, “Did you just ask me to stuff your box?”
I said, “Never in a hundred million years, sir. I need to actually help people now.” His friends started cracking up and his face turned bright red. I don’t understand people who make inappropriate comments like that in public. It made the entire meal uncomfortable and his friends were clearly not impressed by the way he was treating me.
3. A table for one
This is kind of a long one. I was working at a restaurant at a resort. The guest is a Type A jerk. He obviously has to be the “group leader” of a table full of four or five other dudes. During my spiel, I tell the table we are out of a certain THING (I don’t remember what or why). I start taking the table’s order and get to him. He asked for the thing we were out of and I reiterated: we were out of it.
He then said he’d have to call up his good friend, the general manager, and see if they could find any for him. I said: “You’re more than welcome to do so but the number on the business card you picked up at the front is an office number, not their personal phone. Also, they’re the one that just told me we’re out of this thing. Maybe if you called in advance to let your GOOD FRIEND know you were coming we could have held some back specially for you.”
Now this may not seem all that destructive but to this guy, at this table full of his colleagues, it was BRUTAL. He TRIED to save face but it failed so hard. He said, “Well, if you can’t keep your food in stock then we probably should have gone somewhere else to eat.” The gauntlet has been thrown down. I said, “That’s an excellent idea, sir. Would you like me to check if there is a table free at our steakhouse?”
He said yes and then he started talking to the other guys in the group like somehow the restaurant was in the wrong here. They’re ALL just looking at him like he’s a complete jerk, because he is. I go to the phone, call the steakhouse, and ask if they have space for ONE. They do. Good. Back to the table. I said, “You’ll be happy to know, sir, that our steakhouse is able to accommodate you and will have a table waiting when you arrive.”
This guy, in the rudest voice he can muster, which is nowhere NEAR as rude as I could be, said, “THANK YOU for SOME KIND of service.” He turns to the rest of the table and says, “Let’s go, guys.” That’s when I say, “I’m sorry, sir, I was under the impression you would be dining alone and didn’t ask if they could take a party this size. I assumed they’d be dining with us seeing as they all ordered items we have available.”
The guy just looks dumbfounded and while he’s standing there trying to process this one of the dudes at the table chimes in: “Don’t worry about it, head on down there. We’ll meet up at the bar for drinks later.” The rude guy grabs his drink, says nothing, and walks out. He hits the door and the rest of the table goes into that quiet “what a jerk” laugh that only men of a certain age and income bracket are able to do properly.
Later on, the dude called my manager and complained about me. When my manager talked to the other guys at the table, they had my back the entire way. It was beautiful.
2. Time punishes all of us
I was serving a table with a couple and their toddler. The two sat on the same side of the booth, kissed, etc., so I knew they were a couple, but the woman looked much older. Like she looked terrible. I’m sure it was substance abuse of some kind, but it was noticeable. So she’s super rude to me the entire time. She asked for her eggs over easy hard.
I explained to her that her eggs could either be over easy and over hard, and what both meant. She then got really patronizing, saying things like “Bless your heart” and asking for a real server. I told her that I know how eggs are cooked, and asked if she meant over medium. That’s when she got verbally abusive and asked “How hard is your job? Honestly, how hard is it to just serve people eggs?”
I’d had it. I gave her order to the cook, and of course, he asked me what she meant. I told him to just make them over medium, as I felt like that was what she meant. I gave her the eggs and she sighed real heavy. She said, “I’m sorry, was my order too hard? Did you not understand me? What kind of place is this that nobody can make me eggs?”
I took a deep breath, and went all in with a brutal insult.I said, “Ma’am, I apologize to you, your son, and your grandson. Let me go ahead and comp your meal.” Her face twisted up and got so red I thought it was going to pop off of her face. She yelled, “THIS IS MY HUSBAND AND THAT’S MY SON!” Oh boy, it was so worth it. She began screaming for my manager.
I got my manager. He yelled at me in the office, but couldn’t prove that I was purposefully disingenuous. So I didn’t even get written up. It was awesome.
1. An ominous "how's your sandwich?"