
20 Foods You Didn't Know Were Invented In America

20 Foods You Didn't Know Were Invented In America

Who Would've Guessed These Delicious Foods Were Made In America?

Well, America sure got your taste buds fooled. Who would've guessed that these 20 delicious and seemingly foreign dishes were actually invented right here in the US? We guarantee you're going to be shocked by some of the items on our list - we definitely never would have suspected anything!

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1. German Chocolate Cake

With the word "German" literally in the name of this cake, we don't blame you if you thought it came from Germany. But surprise, surprise, this beloved dessert was actually invented in America! It's got a cute little story behind its naming too; it was named after a chocolate maker named Samuel German and originated down south in Dallas, Texas.

Pexels-Abhinavcoca-291528Abhinav Goswami on Pexels

2. Fajitas

You may be shocked to learn that no, fajitas didn't come from Mexico, they came from South/West Texas! Turns out this state is home to many beloved favorites. This popular Tex-Mex dish will certainly wow you with its flavors, making you believe it belongs to a vibrant cuisine like Mexican. 

1024Px-Flickr Elisart 324248450--Beef And Chicken FajitasElisa Arteaga from Caracas, Venezuela on Wikimedia Commons

3. Chimichanga

Chimichanga sure is a fun name to say, and though its unique sound might make you believe it's from somewhere foreign, you can actually trace its roots back to Tucson, Arizona. So while you've been associating this dish with Mexico this whole time, turns out it should be America.

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4. Lobster Rolls

While America typically gets associated with heavier, greasy foods like burgers, fries, and chicken wings, they've got some luxurious and delicate dishes too. Take lobster rolls for example. Did you know it was invented in America? Specifically in Connecticut to be exact. 

Pexels-Dbaler-13770177Deane Bayas on Pexels

5. Cuban Sandwich

Listen, there's a little bit of a debate online regarding the true origins of the cuban sandwich. While some argue it does come from Cuba, others will defend that it came from somewhere in Florida. For the sake of this article, we're going to back the American believers! Because wouldn't that be so misleading? With it literally being called a "Cuban" sandwich we would've definitely believed it came from Cuba. 

Key West Cuban MixAverette on Wikimedia Commons

6. Banana Split

Believed to originate from Latrobe, Pennsylvania, the Banana Split is a unique American-made concoction that continues to please, and confuse, eaters around the world. It's certainly an indulgent dessert that foreigners wouldn't be surprised to learn has America stamped across it. 

Pexels-Eiliv-Aceron-29416110-6895879Eiliv Aceron on Pexels

7. Tater Tots

Everyone loves potatoes. It doesn't matter where you're from in the world, we can safely say everyone appreciates the versatility and flavor of this food. Mashed, fried, baked, roasted, you can never go wrong! So that's why you Americans can say with pride that you created one of its best forms: the tater tot. 

1024Px-Tater Tots Close Up (24782852665)Willis Lam on Wikimedia Commons

8. California Rolls

Nope, not all sushi actually comes from Japan. Take California rolls for example; this popular roll can be found in most sushi restaurants across the country but it's actually from America. If "California" wasn't enough of a giveaway, how does hearing that it was supposedly invented in Los Angeles sound? 

1024Px-California Roll 8 Pack From Super Mira Market 1 (27656159102)Willis Lam on Wikimedia Commons

9. Fortune Cookie

Served at the end of the meal in most Chinese restaurants, we bet you'll be surprised to learn that fortune cookies are in no way associated with authentic Chinese cuisine. That's right, these beloved message-filled cookies are actually from California and not China. 

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10. Spaghetti & Meatballs

What do you mean spaghetti & meatballs isn't from Italy? Despite your belief that all pasta comes from across the waters, this iconic, homey dish is actually American-made. Made by Italian immigrants in New York City, turns out this dish hits a lot closer to home than you initially thought.  

Pexels-Hexuye-Ye-81431575-12720645Hexuye Ye on Pexels

11. General Tso's Chicken

Arguably one of the most frequently ordered dishes at Chinese restaurants, be prepared to have your mind blown. You're probably familiar with its sweet, tangy, and spicy flavors, but it's gone through several iterations to better please American palates. While this dish is speculated to have first existed back in Asia, this version is clearly American made - it tastes nothing like the original. 

1024Px-General Tso's Chicken At Makai Restaurant, Gulou (20221026162004)N509FZ on Wikimedia Commons

12. S'Mores

Everyone, let's thank America for creating this delicious campfire snack that is the highlight of any camping trip. We're not wrong when we say campers all wait in anticipation for nightfall so that the s'mores making can finally begin. 

1024Px-Vegetarian S'mores (3680344160)Heather Katsoulis from Western Mass on Wikimedia Commons

13. Orange Chicken

Turns out Americans really love reinventing Chinese classics to better suit the country's taste preferences. Like General Tso's chicken, Orange Chicken is another popular dish that technically originates from China, but has changed so much in the States that it's become its own entity. It's safe to say the overly sweet Orange Chicken we enjoy here is completely separate from the original dish, making it an America-invented one.

1024Px-Orange Chicken (4363046795)jeffreyw on Wikimedia Commons

14. Chocolate Chip Cookies

A favorite for many across the entire world, chocolate chip cookies are a classic sweet treat you can find almost anywhere. But if we trace it back to its origins, we have Ruth Wakefield to thank! Made in Massachusetts, if there's one thing America does right, it's their desserts. 

Pexels-Suzyhazelwood-1325467Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels

15. Crab Rangoon

While the other Chinese dishes on this list may be shocking for you to learn about, crab rangoon is a little bit different. Fried wonton wrappers and cream cheese don't exactly sound Chinese, do they? While you can often find this item on many Chinese menus, it's definitely an American-made one.

1024Px-Try 1,000 New Things (Making Crab Rangoons At Home) Life List - 4161286494Jodimichelle on Wikimedia Commons


16. English Muffins

Here's another misleading food we bet you didn't know was actually made in America. English muffins might have you believe they were created in England, but they can't fool us. Turns out this popular breakfast component was made in New York by a British immigrant way back when. 

Pexels-Su-La-Pyae-54514809-19471334Su La Pyae on Pexels

17. French Dressing

It says the word "French" in its name so it must be from France, right? Wrong. Let's just say French dressing is more along the lines of "French-inspired". Though you may be pouring this creamy dressing over your salads thinking you're adding a touch of French cuisine to your dish, looks like you've just been making it even more American.  

1024Px-Kroger Creamy French Dressing - October 2023 - Sarah StierchSarah Stierch (CC BY 4.0) on Wikimedia Commons

18. Queso

To be completely honest, the origins of Queso are a bit unclear. While there are some sources claiming it first originated in Mexico over a century ago, others will say it was made in America to make foreign cuisines more palatable. What's the real history? It's hard to say when there's so much debate over it online! 

1024Px-Lindo Mexico Ii - October 2023 - Sarah StierchSarah Stierch (CC BY 4.0) on Wikimedia Commons

19. Chili Con Carne

Shrouded in mystery, this beloved dish is also surrounded by many legends regarding its origins. But for the sake of this article, we're going to go with the most popular one: it all started in San Antonio, Texas! While many may associate the flavors of this dish with Mexico, its (supposed) history will tell you otherwise. 

1024Px-Chili Con Carne With Beef, Beans, Chili Peppers, Garlic, Black Pepper, And A Soft-Boiled Egg - MassachusettsDaderot, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

20. Chop Suey

If you look up the origin story of chop suey, you'll be taken on a wild goose chase trying to find out the truth. There are just so many different speculated stories, each more interesting than the last. That being said, most generally point toward this dish being created in America. It's certainly one that you see available at almost every Chinese restaurant here!

1024Px-ChopsueywithriceEli Hodapp from Naperville, United States on Wikimedia Commons