Don't Be "That" House: The 10 Worst Halloween Candies & the 10 Best Kids Love
Want to Be The Popular House on The Block?
Ah, Halloween: a holiday designed for fun. If you observe, you probably remember dressing up in your costume, mounting excitement all day to go trick-or-treating. You surely also remember that one house that handed out licorice, boxes of raisins, or worse, toothbrushes, ever to be shunned by kids. If you don't want to be "that house," here are 10 Halloween candies kids can't stand and 10 of the best they can't get enough of.
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1. Black Licorice
It should come as no surprise that black licorice isn't popular among children. It's pungent, bitter, and not even fun or colorful at all.
2. Candy Corn
Candy corn was developed as a fall treat back in the 1950s and while it may have been popular back then, it misses the mark today. Candy has come a long way since then and unfortunately, candy corn just doesn't have enough going for it to be able to compete.
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3. Good & Plenty
Good & Plenty is one of the oldest branded candies in the US which is probably why it's associated with old folks. They taste like black locorice so are sure to land in the garbage instead of the kids' bellies.
4. Smarties
Maybe it's because they look like medicine or maybe it's because after eating a few your tongue starts the hurt; whatever the reason, kids generally take a pass on these 1940s-era candies.
5. Warheads
If it's made to taste like you're eating a lemon, it's probably not that pleasant. There are definitely some kids who enjoy eating these just to impress their friends but most will just eat around them. It's understandable why as apparently they have the same pH level as rust removers!
6. Circus Peanuts
Circus peanuts are marshmallows pressed into a peanut shape. If that's not already puzzling enough, they're also banana flavored. They date back all the way to the 19th century which is usually a good indication kids nowadays will find them uncool.
7. Tootsie Rolls
Tootsie rolls are similar in texture to taffy or caramel but the flavor is more chocolate-y. It's a strange idea for a candy and above all else it gets impossibly stuck in your teeth.
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8. Dubble Bubble
Inside the colorful packaging is nothing more than a hard cylinder of pink bubble gum-flavored chewing gum. We're not sure if it even counts as a candy.
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9. Dots
Dots are so cute looking that you want them to taste good. However, they always disappoint in terms of flavor and simply aren't exciting.
10. Banana Laffy Taffy
Laffy Taffy is a type of taffy that comes in all kinds of flavors. The texture of this candy is pretty unpleasant, always requiring an excessive amount of chewing, and the banana flavor which is very artificial-tasting is absolutely not worth the work.
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Now that we've talked about the candies you can expect to see in the garbage, let's go over the ones that are bound to get kids really excited.
1. Reese's Cups
Perhaps one of the most perfect pairing on earth is peanut butter and chocolate. Kids love this snack and receiving them in their Halloween bags is sure to stir up some smiles.
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2. Twix
What's more exciting for a child than a vanilla cookie topped with caramel, enrobed in milk chocolate, and wrapped in a shiny gold paper? This is one we can all get behind.
3. M&Ms
These colorful treats are tasty, crunchy, and shareable. Everyone has a favorite color even though they all taste the same... or, do they?
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4. Starbursts
The difference between Starbursts and other taffy candies is Starburst flavors actually hit the mark. They require a lot of chewing but their delightful fruitiness makes you enjoy the process.
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6. Sour Patch Kids
The idea of sour patch kids: tiny people-shaped chewy treats doused in sweet and sour sugar may sound odd, but somehow they're just fun enough to work. Their bright colors and intense flavors are bound to please.
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7. Snickers
Snickers is nougat, peanuts, caramel, and milk chocolate: a delicious combination in which the chocolate and peanuts star, but the nougat and caramel add diverse textures. Kids and adults alike love them, just make sure not to et them all before handing them out.
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8. KitKat
Who doesn't love a KitKat bar? It's a crunchy wafer encased in milk chocolate: so simple yet so satisfying.
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9. Lollipops
Lollipops will always be a great treat for kids. There are all kinds of flavors and some of them even have chocolate or bubble gum in the center, making for an extra fun eating journey.
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10. Spongebob Gummy Krabby Patties
Spongebob Squarepants Gummy Krabby Patties blew up in popularity almost as much as the show did. There's something so fun for kids about a candy that looks like a miniature version of a fictional food. What's more, you can even dismantle it and eat the parts separately.