10 Vegetables With Impressively Long Shelf-Lives & 10 You Better Eat Quickly
10 Vegetables With Impressively Long Shelf-Lives & 10 You Better Eat Quickly
When buying groceries, one important thing you should always keep in mind is a vegetable's shelf-life. When were you planning on using this veggie? Is it soon? You better have a game plan ready because some veggies just don't have as impressive of a storage time compared to others. That's why we're here to tell you 10 vegetables that can be kept for a long time, and 10 you better eat quickly.
1. Cabbage
If you've got a cabbage sitting around in your fridge, don't worry about it! It's probably a better idea to finish off your other vegetables first because this one's got a long shelf-life. If stored properly in the fridge, cabbage can last up to a whopping 2 months! If you keep it whole and wrap it up nicely in plastic, it can help maintain its freshness.
Photo by Shelley Pauls on Unsplash
2. Potatoes
The good ol' potato is a trusty reliable. If you store them well, in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated place, your sack of potatoes can last for a shocking several months. This doesn't mean we recommend hoarding a bunch though! One note to keep in mind, it's best you keep them away from onions and in a breathable bag so that you can avoid any potential moisture accumulation; this can lead to unwanted spoiling.
Photo by Lars Blankers on Unsplash
3. Sweet Potatoes
Similar to regular potatoes (they are both potatoes after all), sweet potatoes have an amazing storage life of up to a month when kept in a cool and dark place. Compared to other vegetables, it's all thanks to their high sugar content that helps them stay fresh for longer periods of time.
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash
4. Onions
If you keep your onions in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated space, they can keep for up to 2 whole months! You can never have too many onions on hand anyway. To make sure you store them properly, make sure you keep them in a mesh bag - it helps maintain air circulation.
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
5. Garlic
Garlic is an ingredient used in many dishes, so it's always good to have some on hand. The good news for you is, if you store it correctly in a cool and dry place, it can last up to 6 months! Never run out of garlic ever again. It's also useful to know that keeping them as a whole bulb can retain their freshness for longer compared to individual cloves.
Photo by team voyas on Unsplash
6. Carrots
Many households have carrots in their fridge, making this a staple vegetable used in plenty of dishes. That's why you'll be relieved to know these orange veggies can last up to several weeks! They tend to stay fresh for up to 3-4 weeks, and one way to help extend their shelf-life is by keeping them whole and unpeeled.
Photo by Harshal S. Hirve on Unsplash
7. Beets
With a shelf-life of up to 1-3 months when stored right, you won't have to worry too much about your beets going bad. At the very least, you never have to worry about finishing them right away! You should keep them in a plastic bag so they can retain moisture which prevents them from becoming shriveled.
Photo by Emma-Jane Hobden on Unsplash
8. Winter Squash
Winter squash includes everything like butternut, acorn, and spaghetti squash, all of which can last between 1-3 months if stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. That's a pretty long time! Now you know you can make your hearty and warming soups whenever you want if you store these correctly.
Photo by Ryan Jacobs on Unsplash
9. Celery
If you keep your celery nicely wrapped in aluminum foil and uncut, you can keep them there for a very long month without it going bad. Perfect for snacking on, you can now keep them on hand for extended periods of time, enjoying them with a bit of ranch.
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
10. Parsnips
Parsnips tend to last 2, maybe even 3, weeks in the fridge if you store them well! Here's a simple tip - keep them unwashed when storing them. They'll last longer that way!
Image by Leopictures from Pixabay
1. Leafy Greens
Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and lettuce have a tendency to wilt and spoil quite quickly, often within a week of purchase. If you want to enjoy them while they're still fresh, you better get to cooking! For the best results, keep them in the refrigerator and ideally in a container that allows for some air circulation.
2. Tomatoes
Yes, we know tomatoes are fruits and this list is about vegetables, but generally, we use tomatoes as vegetables in our cooking. So we're adding it to this list! It's not good news though, as tomatoes can spoil within a few days if they're kept at room temperature. It's probably better to use them within a week of purchase so you can keep its optimal flavour and texture.
Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay
3. Cucumbers
Sadly, cucumbers don't have a very long shelf life. They are mostly water after all! After about a week of storage, they can quickly become limp and watery - in other words, inedible. Use them quickly if you want to enjoy that crisp and fresh taste.
Image by ❤ Monika 💚 💚 Schröder ❤ from Pixabay
4. Bell Peppers
The moment your bell peppers are ripe (which might be at the time of purchase!), they'll start to wrinkle and lose their firmness within a week or two. Although keeping them in the crisper drawer of your fridge might help, you should still use up your bell peppers as soon as possible. We want to enjoy them while they've still got that nice crisp!
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
5. Zucchini
Zucchini and other summer squashes unfortunately don't share the same impressive shelf-lives as winter squashes. Within a week of storing them in the fridge, they might already start to soften and spoil! That's why these are "used right after buying" vegetables that should be cooked up immediately so you can enjoy them in their prime.
Image by マサコ アーント from Pixabay
6. Green Beans
Despite what you may think about these firm veggies, green beans don't actually have that impressive of a shelf-life. They tend to become limp and develop gross slimy spots within just a week of storage! So keep this in mind and use them as soon as possible - you can try keeping them in a breathable bag to try and extend the storage time if necessary too.
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
7. Mushrooms
Mushrooms can spoil pretty quickly so you might want to figure out a game plan on how to use them up! Lasting about a week in the refrigerator when kept whole and raw, they'll start turning slimy and musty when beginning to spoil. Gross! Even worse, if you slice them up, they might only last a day or two. So keep them whole if possible!
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
8. Asparagus
Even when stored properly, asparagus has a sad shelf-life of just about a week. After that, you'll notice significant changes in its texture and flavour. That's why it's probably better to buy this vegetable only when you know you need it in a dish or that you'll cook it right away.
9. Eggplant
After purchasing an eggplant, you better be ready to use it all within the next few days. That's because eggplant has an awfully short shelf-life, with it becoming bitter and inedible very quickly. If you store it too long in the fridge, its texture might start degrading too!
Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay
10. Radishes
Although radishes can last a week or two in the fridge compared to leaving it out in room temperature, they're going to start to lose their texture and flavour after just a couple of days. Is there really any point in keeping it for long if that happens?