Don’t Eat These 10 Foods With A Sore Throat, Eat These 10 To Relieve The Pain

Don’t Eat These 10 Foods With A Sore Throat, Eat These 10 To Relieve The Pain

One of the worst feelings in the world is a sore throat. You can’t eat any of your favorite foods or drink any good stuff, so what else is left to do but plop on the couch? We know it feels like the end of the world, but knowing which foods to eat (and which to avoid) can make the entire ordeal a little easier.

How to Alleviate Sore Throat Pain

One of the worst feelings in the world is a sore throat. You can’t eat any of your favorite foods or drink any good stuff, so what else is left to do but plop on the couch? We know it feels like the end of the world, but knowing which foods to eat (and which to avoid) can make the entire ordeal a little easier.SickmanGustavo Fring on Unsplash

1. Chips and Crackers

To be fair to chips and crackers, they’re the tip of the iceberg. Any dry, crunchy snack should be avoided with a sore throat. All those jagged little pieces trying to slide down? No, thank you. 

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2. Spicy Foods

This should be a no-brainer, but some just can’t resist the call of spicy food. You really ought to, though, because your throat is already on fire and doesn’t need more fuel to the flame. 

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3. Coffee

It might be muscle memory to brew a pot of coffee, but it’s best to avoid that morning cup with a sore throat. Piping hot drinks don’t do you any favors anyway, but combined with a well-known dehydrating beverage only makes it worse. 

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4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are acidic and acidic foods are the last thing a sore throat needs. Tomato sauce, raw tomatoes, and ketchup? All off the table. 

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5. Granola

Much like crackers or potato chips, granola is rougher on throats and should be avoided. Don’t sprinkle any in with breakfast and keep away from granola bars too, especially because both contain additional irritants like nuts. 

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6. Dry Toast

Dry toast may be good for an upset stomach, but it’s not something you want with a sore throat. It’s in the name—dry toast has nothing to help it slide down your throat, which leaves you stuck trying to swallow it.

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7. Carbonated Drinks

Even on a good day, carbonated beverages can tickle the throat. Toss those bubbles in with an agitated throat, however, and your poor gullet will beg for mercy. Keep away from all carbonation until you’re in the clear.

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8. Citrus Fruits

Oh, you thought tomatoes were acidic? Well…they are, but fruits like lemons, grapefruit, and limes are even worse. Turn away from all forms of acidic fruit, and that includes their juice. 

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9. Raw Vegetables

On a good day, veggies are unproblematic superfoods. But on a bad day, they’re dry and crunchy and can exacerbate throat pain. If you’re really jonesing for vegetables, turn to broth or boil them until they’re soft. 

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10. Alcohol

Your parents’ remedy may have been a shot of whiskey (or maybe that was to keep you quiet), but alcohol won’t soothe a sore throat. In fact, alcohol is one of those drinks that only serves to irritate your throat even further. 

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The good news is that while a sore throat feels like imminent death, plenty of food and drink options can help soothe the pain. 

1. Eggs

With coffee out of the picture, you’ll need something to energize you. Eggs are a win-win because they’re a terrific source of protein (thereby boosting energy) and are also easy to swallow. Stick with the more bland options, though, like boiled or scrambled. 

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2. Ginger

Ginger is here to save the day again! Its anti-inflammatory properties already comfort your throat, but ginger also fights infection and can boost your immune system. Simple ways to ingest it are through lozenges or tea. 

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3. Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes are another veggie you can turn to, so long as you mash them first. Unseasoned mashed potatoes are not only easy to swallow, but they’re also filled with the nutrients your body needs.

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4. Honey

Honey does wonders for a sore throat, especially if you also have a cough. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory packed with antioxidants, and it’s easy to get into your diet. Drizzle it over your food, add some to your tea, or just have a spoonful on its own. 

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5. Oatmeal

Granola might be off the table, but its smoother cousin is still available. Oatmeal is soft on throats, doesn’t come with any crunchy ingredients, and gives you the vitamins and minerals your body desperately needs right now.

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6. Chicken Soup

It's not just an old wives' tale; chicken soup is a great way to alleviate throat pain. The broth reduces inflammation and chicken soup is packed with inoffensive ingredients like boiled pasta and vegetables. 

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7. Yogurt

Yogurt’s cool and creamy texture is easy to swallow, making it one of the best things for an irritated throat. It’s loaded with probiotics and vitamins and is a blank canvas for additional remedies like honey. 

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8. Smoothies

Its name should tip you off to how easy it is to swallow! However, smoothies offer so much more than a good consistency—you can add all kinds of beneficial ingredients like honey, yogurt, and blended vegetables to alleviate pain and ingest some nutrients. 

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9. Popsicles

There’s nothing wrong with eating a popsicle or two with a sore throat. The cool temperature coats the throat and temporarily grants a welcomed numbing effect, allowing you to breathe easy and treat yourself.  

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10. Herbal Tea

Herbal teas are your new best friends, not only because they keep you hydrated but because they also soothe throat pain. Turn to peppermint, licorice, green, or ginger tea for some of the best results—and don’t be afraid to add some honey in there.

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