Don’t Eat These 10 Foods When Pregnant, Eat These 10 Instead
Foods for You and Your Baby to Thrive
Pregnancy is one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking periods of your life. Between the wacky hormones, morning sickness, and weird cravings, try to take a second to think about this amazing feat your body is doing. However, it can't do it alone. It will need all the nutritional support you can give it, and we're here to help. Here are ten foods to avoid when pregnant and ten to eat instead.
1. Raw Sprouts
Although raw sprouts like alfalfa and bean sprouts are touted as a superfood for being so nutrient-dense, they often carry with them harmful bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella. This makes them frequent culprits of food poisoning and for pregnant women, can lead to a miscarriage in extreme cases.
2. Fish with Mercury
Some fish like tuna and marlin have trace amounts of mercury, but because the amount is so minuscule, they’re generally considered safe to eat. However, if you’re pregnant, you might want to steer clear of them altogether as babies in the womb are more susceptible to the effects of mercury which may stunt their development.
3. Alcohol
This one should come as obvious. Drinking while pregnant increases the risk of a miscarriage and can cause birth defects, and lifelong developmental, and behavioral difficulties. No amount of alcohol is safe while you’re pregnant.
4. Cold Cuts
Processed meats like ham and salami should be avoided during pregnancy because of the risk of listeria, a foodborne bacterial infection. Although rare, it can be fatal to an unborn baby.
5. Caffeine
Although a small amount of caffeine is fine, it’s best to limit your intake to under 300 milligrams a day. It’s been linked to a higher rate of miscarriage possibly due to its diuretic qualities which cause you to excrete important nutrients.
6. Sushi
While sushi that contains fully cooked fish is fine, eating raw or smoked fish while pregnant is dangerous. Because it’s not cooked there’s a higher risk of it being contaminated with harmful bacteria and parasites that can lead to listeria.
7. Unpasteurized Cheeses
Although we all love a good cheese board, it’s best to avoid any unpasteurized cheeses when pregnant because of their higher risk of listeria. Soft cheese like brie, camembert, and Gorgonzola are more likely to be unpasteurized.
8. Raw or Rare Meat
You might love your steak rare, but if you’re pregnant, play it safe and get it well done. This is to avoid any possibility of food poisoning which may have a detrimental effect on the baby’s fetus.
9. Runny Eggs
Eggs are an excellent source of protein and vitamins and while you should absolutely eat them while pregnant, make sure you fully cook those yolks. Your risk of getting salmonella is higher when you’re pregnant.
10. Pâté
Pâté and other liver products should be avoided due to their risk of listeria and high vitamin A content. Excessive vitamin A gets stored in the liver and can become toxic and cause birth defects in babies.
1. Yogurt
Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and protein, important for developing your baby’s bones, muscles, heart, and nervous system. It also contains probiotics which aid in digestion and boost your immune system. Go for plain yogurt to avoid added sugars.
2. Berries
Blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are complex carbohydrates high in antioxidants, vitamin C, folate, fiber, and potassium. They provide mom with much-needed energy and are passed easily to the developing baby, providing nourishment.
3. Avocado
Avocados are a pregnancy superfood full of healthy fats, antioxidants, iron, and magnesium. They aid digestion and help stave off morning sickness thanks to their vitamin and fiber content.
4. Oats
Oats can be a godsend during those awful days of morning sickness. They’re packed with fiber which helps regulate digestion. Plus, they have tons of essential vitamins and minerals including calcium, potassium, iron, and antioxidants that aid in the baby’s growth and boost immunity.
5. Salmon
Salmon is rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D, all of which are superstars when it comes to muscle growth and bone health for you and your baby. What’s more is it has B vitamins that support brain development.
6. Dried Fruit
Snacking on dried fruit when your pregnant can be an effective and tasty way to stave off anemia thanks to their iron content. They’re also jam-packed with calcium, magnesium, and potassium which are helpful for your baby’s muscle and bone development.
7. Kale
As if we needed another reason to eat this trendy green vegetable, kale is excellent for pregnant women. They’re packed with vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron which all play a role in the baby’s development and support the mom’s immune system.
8. Carrots
It’s well-known carrots are good for eyesight, but did you know they’re good for baby’s eyes too? They have tons of carotene which is crucial for the development of eyes, skin, and organs.
9. Lean Meats
Lean meats like chicken, pork, and seafood are great sources of quality protein critical for your baby’s growth. The high iron content helps stave off anemia which you're more susceptible to while pregnant. In addition to headaches and fatigue, severe anemia can cause premature birth.
10. Water
Last but certainly not least is water, the most basic and critical ingredient for life. You need even more of it while pregnant to form the liquid that surrounds the baby and produce more blood for your baby’s circulation.