Yum Or Yuck?
We all have different taste buds and some of us are picky eaters. You might salivate at the smell of bacon while it might make someone else feel nauseous. Beyond our nostrils, we consider the origin, texture, and flavor of food to decide whether we like it or not. We can all agree on many munchies, but some foods will split a room. Do you love or hate these most polarizing foods?
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1. Cilantro
Some think this green herb tastes like soap. Others want to throw these fresh greens into every meal they eat. As a common ingredient in many recipes, especially Mexican dishes, it could make or break someone’s taco. If you’re a hater, a mouthful of cilantro might bring childhood flashbacks of being punished for swearing.
2. Mayonnaise
It’s understandable why some folks don’t want to slather a jiggly egg spread on their sandwich, but others can’t get enough of it. We dip our french fries into it, mix it into dressings and aiolis, or make a fine egg salad sandwich. It’s a condiment you either use too much of or avoid altogether.
3. Banana Flavor
That artificial banana flavor seems to appear everywhere. Some kids don’t mind being sick if they get a shot of that banana-flavored medicine. But even some banana lovers can’t stand the sickly sweet banana flavoring in their candy or ice cream. We’ll have to ask the monkeys what they think.
4. Blue Cheese
If Gorgonzola is one of the cheeses on a four-cheese pizza, we’ll make it a three-cheese, please. You either skip it on the charcuterie board or you put a big hunk of it on your cracker. Some folks can’t get enough of the potent cheese, while others prefer their fromage without blue mold.
5. Black Licorice
Have you ever been tricked by those colorful candies that look so beautiful you can’t help yourself? Then within seconds after taking a bite, you realize they’re black licorice and your day is ruined. You’ll never be betrayed by beauty again. Or you’re that guy who puts them in dishes around the house because you’ve got a sweet tooth for it and you’re addicted.
6. Runny Egg Yolks
“How would you like your eggs? Over-easy? Scrambled?”–– Runny eggs might ruin someone’s breakfast but to somebody else, that’s the only proper way to cook an egg. If you like them sunny-side-up, chances are you like to dunk your toast in the yolk too. For us scrambled egg fans, we’d prefer our eggs without the goo.
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7. Mushrooms
It’s the texture that discourages some people. A bite into a juicy portobello will either put you off or have you craving more. From creminis to truffles, mushroom lovers want to taste every kind that exists. The haters, on the other hand, would rather not eat fungus.
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8. Oysters
This popular seafood either gets you in the mood or makes your face scrunch in disgust. You might head to that restaurant with the all-you-can-eat special or you prefer strawberries as an aphrodisiac. If it doesn’t gross you out, shucking oysters is favored by many seafood lovers.
9. Olives
With their acquired taste, you either grow to love them or you never bother to become a fan. Olives are a salty snack and ingredient that many people can’t agree on. At the supermarket, you’re either like a kid in a candy store in the olive section, or you pass by quickly because you can't stand the smell.
10. Brussel Sprouts
Brussel sprouts always get a bad rep. They’re often the example given for the most hated vegetable by children yet, they’re a popular side dish for many holidays. People who say they hate brussel sprouts haven’t tried them roasted in the oven with parmesan–– that’s a game changer!
11. Pineapple On Pizza
This topping will split the room at any pizza party. Some of us love the combination of sweet and savory while others will say fruit is for dessert. Hawaiian pizza is one of the most popular types but to some people, it’s just plain wrong.
12. Ketchup
From hotdogs to macaroni, lovers of the red sauce will put it on everything. While this might make some of you cry, we’ve all seen those people who put ketchup on their steak. As the most common condiment choice in North America, there are still those who would rather dip their fries in mayo.
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13. Liver
The elderly folks are likely the reason that liver is a love-or-hate food. It might’ve been Grandad’s favorite dish back in the day but many of us now are sickened by the thought of it. Either way, liver and onions is still a popular menu item in many traditional pubs.
14. Pickles
If you love pickles, you like to crunch them as a snack and ask for extra on your burger. If you hate them, you don’t understand why people ruin veggies by soaking them in vinegar until they shrivel and wrinkle. Pickled onions and peppers are someone’s favorite salad toppings while others would prefer them raw.
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15. Anchovies
Folks who love anchovies can eat them like potato chips. They love them on their pizzas and salads too and don’t mind that they’re an ingredient in many sauces. To plenty of others, the stinky fish is too salty and its flavor overpowers a meal.
16. Beets
For some people, they’d prefer if this purple veg would beat it. Their taste buds don’t like them and they stain your hands. Those who love beets want to add them to all their dishes because they add nutrition, color, and flavor, roasted or pickled.
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17. Horseradish
Yay or neeeigh?–– Horseradish has a very strong taste that you either crave or you can’t stand. It’s a popular ingredient we like to add to our sandwiches but some people would rather it didn’t exist.
18. Avocado
If avo toast is your favorite breakfast food you don’t understand why everyone else doesn’t love it too. Avocados have risen in popularity over the years but some folks look at guacamole and say “What the heck is this green mush?” Its texture is a silky, creamy bliss for some and a slimy, yucky guck for others.
19. Raisins
Some of you will agree that raisins are nature’s candy. They’re a fantastic ingredient to add to all baked goods like scones and oatmeal cookies. The haters will look at the dried-up grapes in disgust as the raisins ruin all of their favorite desserts.
20. Tofu
It’s the carnivores that take over the side of the room that hate on tofu. Tofu is a versatile food that takes on the flavor of any seasonings you add to it and compliments an array of cuisines. The texture can often throw some people off and if you like meat, it’s hard to trade your pork chops for a tofu steak.