Cats are cuddly, adorable, and sassy little balls of fur that don’t just make great pets, they make great memes too. For all you cat lovers out there, look no further if you’re looking to brighten your day with some hilarious cat-themed memes. You’re about to explode with laughter thanks to all this hilarity and cuteness!
1. Waking Up to a Monster
CatsKingDom on Pinterest
Honestly, if this is the first thing you see right when you wake up in the morning, all groggy and disheveled, that's pretty terrifying.
2. Daydreaming Away
Shhhh, let him have his moment. We don't want to ruin this adorable scene!
3. COVID Protection
This cat clearly got the memo when COVID-19 hit the world. He knows social distancing is of utmost importance!
4. I Guess I'm Stuck Here
They look so cozy and comfy there I can't ruin it for them! I guess I'm just going to stay here and suffer for them.
5. Devious Calculations
Just look at the scheming face...this little cat is clearly up to no good!
6. Morning Depression
Please, no, not this again! Every morning is the same sadness...
7. The Everyday Problem
Someone help us break out of this neverending cycle! We just can't get out of it!
8. Really? Can I?
When your parents taught you to always first politely decline to show you have manners. But if you insist...
9. It Always Hurts the Same
No matter how many years past, no matter how many times you watch it, this scene in The Lion King will always hurt so bad.
10. Brain Can't Function
Everything always goes so smoothly in my head, but the moment I say it out loud, I just sound like an idiot!
11. An Unexpected Appearance
Wow, it's clear this cat was made with only one purpose in mind - to be a call center cat.
12. Should've Done A Mirror Check
Ugh, that terrible feeling when embarrassment hits. We know that feeling all too well...But seriously, someone couldn't have told me my hair looked like that all day?!
13. Garbage Juice
Oh god, please don't get any garbage juice on my toes, please don't get any garbage juice on my toes.
14. Ready At Any Time
It's true that your cat is always listening in case you shake that ever beautiful treats bag. The moment you do, they'll come RUNNING.
15. How to Comfort Your Cat
If your cat hates being left alone, try this neat trick. It's close enough to the real thing, right?
16. The Almighty Cat God
Better pull up that bag of treats real quick - we don't wanna upset that thing!
17. The Perfect Homescreen
You can't get a better homescreen than that can you?!
18. My Last 2 Brain Cells
There's only 2 of them left, but let me tell you, they're working hard up there. At least I think...
19. Oops, My Bad
Me, wrong? Impossible! Wait, no yupp. You're right, that actually was my bad.
20. Cats With Hands
There's something awfully creepy about how that looks. Don't you agree?
21. My Cat vs. Your Cat
Alright, something ain't adding up here. How did you get your cat to have those cute sparkly eyes?
22. A Menace in the Night
When you can't leave your cat alone for even one minute without them trying to burn the house down.
23. F Is For Cats
Okay, let's just forget about family for one second here while I pet this adorable little kitten...
24. An Inside Joke
With a grin like that, we can't help but want to hear what the joke is too!
25. How Did That Happen?
When the nap was so good, you lose track of all sense of time.
26. The Fake Fall
There's nothing worse than when you're about to drift off into peaceful sleep and your body pulls a fast one on you.
27. I'm You
You're not happy to see me? But I put so much effort into this costume!
28. Up to No Good
Just look at that smug face! You just know this cat is simply up to no good.
29. Christmas Wonder
Oh come on. It doesn't get more pure and innocent than that!
30. The Math Checks Out
Anyone else following along? That does make sense, does it not?!
31. Playing With Fire
via BoredpandaThis cat knows exactly what he's doing and he's not afraid to do it.
32. Spider-cat
via BoredpandaWe're not quite sure how he's got all those legs, but that sure is one terrifying cat-spider hybrid.
33. Genuine Confusion
Something looks wrong with him...but that's definitely one of mine.
34. The Almighty Cat God
via BoredpandaAnd all shall bow down before him!
35. The Perfect Getaway
"Mom can't get mad at me if it doesn't look like I did it, right? This is perfect."
36. What's Worse Than A Judgy Cat?
We're not sure we could handle getting judged by this cat. It looks like he can see right through you...
37. Cat-therapist
What a concerned looking cat! It looks like you could talk to him about any and all of your problems.
38. Eyeliner Makes All The Difference
How many of you ladies can agree with this one?
39. All Tatted Up
"Don't have enough saved up yet, but don't worry. The other arm sleeve is coming soon."
40. Innocent Bystander
Correction: I love drama when it doesn't involve me.
41. A Very Polite Cat
He does look very polite! Besides, how could you possibly say no to a face like that?
42. The Lion King Remake
We suppose what they say is true: life often imitates art. Or was it the other way around...
43. Mistakes Were Made
When the cookie crumbs suddenly make it feel like you're sleeping in a bed full of crumbs. Sigh, I guess this is why I told myself not to do this again...
44. The Best Camoflage
The cat blends in so perfectly it's almost scary...
45. Hunger Pangs
The longer you go without it, the more and more you think about it. That book suddenly looks more like a delicious slice of bread by the minute...