Prepare For The Worst
Worried about facing a potential apocalypse during your lifetime? Don't worry, we've got you covered. We all know food is a necessity and having the right ones stored in your survival kit can make or break you. This is why we've prepared a list of the 20 best foods to start hoarding in case of an apocalypse. Of course, different foods and brands may come with different shelf lives, so do your own additional research to be safe. But these are definitely highly recommended goodies you should consider.
1. Canned Tuna
You might hate that awfully fishy smell that escapes the moment you open a can of tuna, but during a life-or-death apocalypse situation, you definitely won't complain about having one around. As you're going to see with this list, canned foods are about to become your new best friend. And with canned tuna having a shelf life of up to 5 years (as long as it's stored properly), this is one to start stocking up on.
Daniel Case on Wikimedia Commons
2. Rice
One must-have you absolutely need to have during an apocalypse is uncooked rice. It's one of the best foods to have around to keep you feeling full and energized, and it's got an amazing shelf life to match. It's said that if stored properly, uncooked white rice has the potential to be kept indefinitely.
Photo by Pille R. Priske on Unsplash
3. Nuts
One quick search online is all you'll need to do to learn that nuts are a highly prioritized apocalypse food. Providing you with a healthy dose of nutrients, nuts are great because you can eat them straight as they are and they last a pretty long time too. They're perfect for when you're in a tight situation that requires hassle-free food.
4. Dried Pasta
Just because you're in an apocalypse doesn't mean you can't have some variety, right? Turns out you don't have to eat just rice for the rest of your life - dried pasta is another great option to have on hand. Because it's a dry product, you won't really have to worry about how long it's going to last. People say you're generally good for another 2 years, but some will even argue when stored right, dried pasta can be stored indefinitely.
Photo by Sonika Agarwal on Unsplash
5. Honey
When life gets rough, throw in a little sweetener! You may be surprised to learn that honey, as long as it's not contaminated and stored properly, essentially has an infinite lifespan. It doesn't spoil! So with this in mind, you might want to throw in a couple bottles to your apocalypse kit for good measure.
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash
6. Hard Candies
Make sure you pack some sweet treats too just in case. These little pick-me-ups will sure come in handy when the going gets rough. Hard candies are a great option to consider, especially if you've got a sweet tooth. Many online will argue that hard candies have the potential to have an indefinite shelf life, which will sure come in handy during an apocalypse. But if that worries you, a quick little search online will get you the info you need.
Photo by Rachel Kelli on Unsplash
7. Beef Jerky
For the most part, storebought beef jerky generally has a shelf life of up to one year, maybe even a bit more if you stretch it. While it may not seem as long compared to other items on this list, it's a great source of protein that will come in handy when you're in a difficult spot. Obviously, eating too much of it can have some health drawbacks, so you definitely don't want to load up your kit with only beef jerky.
Photo by Bytes for Food on Unsplash
8. Powdered Milk
While regular milk is without a question off the list, powdered milk is a unique alternative that is highly recommended for these types of situations. While most products come with a best before date, it's been said that powdered milk can be stored indefinitely as long as it's in the right environment and untampered. But if the idea of having 50 year old milk concerns you, there's another belief that you've got at least 10 years. Either way, it's an ample amount of time.
9. Bottled Water
While you're thinking of ways to make your apocalypse kit a bit fancier with foods like powdered milk and honey, don't forget the basics. Bottled water is an essential. Yes, it's important to stock up on food to keep you full and energized, but don't forget the importance of staying hydrated too. If anything, water is just as needed as food.
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash
10. Peanut Butter
It's time to stock up on some jars of properly stored, unopened peanut butter. Not only does it taste good and will give your food a bit of life, peanut butter is also high in calories and protein that will be much needed. And with a shelf life of up to 9 months, it will sure come in handy when you need it most. Of course, with a quick smell test, maybe you can stretch it even further if it comes to it.
11. Oats
Keeping oats on hand during an apocalypse is one decision you certainly won't regret. Store it properly in a sealed container and you should be good for another several years! It's a great way to get in some necessary vitamins and minerals during a time where it will be difficult to do so.
Photo by Miroslava Bodnar on Unsplash
12. Canned Vegetables
If it comes in a can, it's probably a good idea to start stocking up. You can rest reassured knowing that most canned vegetables have a long shelf life of a couple of years. Of course, different kinds will have different times, so do your research to get a better idea of what you're working with. But in a situation like an apocalypse when you have very little means, these canned vegetables will get you the nutrients you need to keep going.
ParentingPatch on Wikimedia Commons
13. Lentils
Another great food to have on hand is lentils. Turns out there's a lot more out there than just rice that you can throw in your kit! With a supposed shelf life of up to three years, this is just another wonderful option to consider. And we'd definitely take a moment to consider this one - lentils are loaded with so many health benefits including hefty doses of fiber and vitamins.
Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash
14. Dried Beans
We know you've been waiting for this one to appear on this list. Beans are a classic apocalypse food. Everyone will always suggest this as a must-have component to your survival kit. That's because many people online will tell you that dried beans can essentially last forever. While the suggested shelf life is about 3 years, in an apocalypse situation, these will definitely step up to the plate to keep you fed.
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash
15. Canned Fruit
If you're already getting canned vegetables, why not throw some fruit into the mix? After all, you need both fruits and veggies to get all the essential nutrients into your body. And just like the vegetables, canned fruits have similar shelf lives of up to several years, depending on the kind. Always just take note to review the state of the can before consuming - weird dents or bulges shouldn't be ignored.
Alabama Extension, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
16. Maple Syrup
If the idea of bland food scares you, pack some maple syrup to use as a delicious sweetener. This sweet ingredient has a surprisingly long shelf life when stored in a sealed container. While it can go bad, an unopened bottle should be able to last at least a few years. Of course, always use your nose and eyes to detect any potential moulding.
Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash
17. Canned Soup
Vegetables, fruits, and now even soup, what can't cans store? It's an excellent idea to stock up on canned soup for your apocalypse kit. It's basically a meal that's ready to eat when you need it most and it's got a shelf life comparable to the others, of about several years. As with everything on this list, it's always important to approach with caution if you've stored something for many years - put your eyes and nose to good use!
Photo by Ben Lolli on Unsplash
18. Instant Coffee
Considered a "shelf-stable food," instant coffee has come to save your day. Now, you don't have to worry about not being able to get your caffeine kick even if you're dealing with an apocalypse. With most brands having a shelf life of about 1-2 years, you can relax knowing you'll get your cup of joe no matter what.
KOisTATUCYsi on Wikimedia Commons
19. Granola Bars
While granola bars definitely won't last as long as canned or dried foods, you should consider getting some to add to your kit. Why? Having high energy foods is incredibly important to have around, especially during an apocalypse. These snacks are great for on the go, light to carry, and will provide you with the energy you need to keep moving.
Image by Walter Rodriguez from Pixabay
20. Salt & Pepper
No, we're not telling you to pack some salt and pepper to eat by the spoonful, we're telling you to prepare some so you can season your food. If you ever have to live through an apocalypse, it doesn't mean you can't give your stored food some flavor. Trust us, you may think it's unimportant, but it's a nice little add in that you'll appreciate if it ever comes to it.

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