Top Automotive Trends In A Seemingly Post-Covid World

Top Automotive Trends In A Seemingly Post-Covid World

Automotive experts and car companies spend countless hours researching and creating new car models set to take the world by storm every year. In 2020, many top-selling car feature and model predictions didn't come to pass as the world changed forever and, now there is room for a few new automotive trends in a seemingly post-covid world.

Car companies have a somewhat of a grip on the world's new reality and, while managing how people are maintaining their homes on wheels or preparing to buy new vehicles (that will most likely run no mileage) car trends are on the horizon.

erik-mclean-ZRns2R5azu0-unsplash-300x200.jpgErik Mclean

Computing Power Over Horsepower

The power an engine produces is never, not going to be a thing but cars using informational data are coming in at a close second. Japanese and German powerhouse automakers are aware that  Tesla’s differentiation strategy is a sought-after car trend and that focusing on horsepower alone may not align with the latest digital car architecture. Well, according to Elon Musk's Clubhouse appearances, we should probably look into investing in Tesla as soon as possible.

bram-van-oost-4xM5cytsdMo-unsplash-300x200.jpgBram Van Oost

Subscription Services...For Cars

The embryonic concept was initially introduced a little over two years ago but is expected to make up for %10 of car dealings within the next few years. The same way you would subscribe to a streaming service and pay a monthly fee is how car subscriptions will work.

An extension of car ride services, renting a car for a few hours or days, leasing a car for a few years or outright owning your vehicle, car subscriptions would allow you "temporary ownership" where you can access a car by the month. Once again, the concept is still in the beta stages but, the kinks will surely be smoothed out by the time automotive companies are ready to take your money.

evgeny-tchebotarev-aiwuLjLPFnU-unsplash-300x200.jpg Evgeny Tchebotarev

Cars As A Means Of Connected Living

A primary function of owning a vehicle is to assist in one's commute to their job, where they can then earn a living, to pay for the expense that gets them to the job and so on. Now that the new normal has shifted to a more flexible, work-from-home standard, cars will mostly be used for evenings, weekends and cross country trips.

With that, comes the need for cars to perform connective functions that allow all their home appliances to work in with their vehicles. Personal assistants and voice recognition are the way of the future but don't fret, most cars are digital now anyway.

jake-givens-iR8m2RRo-z4-unsplash-300x199.jpgJake Givens